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Serving Individuals and Small Businesses



Office Hours  February 1 - April 17


Monday to Friday

   9 am - 8 pm



   9 am - 5 pm


Easter Sunday 



Office Hours After April 18, 2023


Monday to Thursday

 10 am - 5 pm







  Sunday  Closed


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Client Resource Center

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Featured Article:

In The News

The following is an overview of some of the tax news and legislative proposals discussed or introduced over the past several weeks.

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Weekly Tax Tips

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Featured TaxTip:

PII. Know it. Protect it.

Personally Identifiable Information, or (PII), is in the spotlight at the IRS and FTC. You should know what it means and how it applies to you and the protection of your tax information. Here are some thoughts.

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TaxVid Videos

Client Update Newsletter

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Featured Article:

Partner With a Tax Expert if the IRS Comes Knocking

Here are several reasons to partner with a tax professional as soon as you receive a letter from the IRS.

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Get To Know Us

Craig Lovasz


Craig is the owner and founder of CSL Tax Advisors. Back in 1987 in a one room office CSL Tax was started.  Craig has extenshive experience in Real Estate and Investment taxation. In his free time Craig enjoys to play pickleball and golf

Betty Spicer


Betty is one of our seasonal staff and in her 8th season as an administrative assistant and also assists with marketing. She strives to ensure we provide our clients with only the best client services.

Laure Smith


Laure is one of our seasonal staff and has been associated with our firm for 24 years.  She began her career with us as an Administrative Assistant and is currently out Seasonal Tax Reviewer. She reviews tax returns to ensure they "error-free". When not working she enjoys being outdoors and spending tiime with her family.

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Where to Find Us

Here are the best ways to contact us.

636-441-1110 Fax: 636-447-3832

3906 S Old Highway 94, Suite 500, Saint Charles, MO 63304

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We would love to hear from you!

636-441-1110 Fax: 636-447-3832

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